金门大桥的南锚, 青翠的, 风景优美的要塞, 巧妙地回收了Crissy Field, 和 the Civil War-era Fort Point are just a few of the attractions in the northwest corner of town.

普雷西迪奥有高耸的桉树,是一个2.8-square-mile former military base reborn as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Artists like Andy Goldsworthy have created huge natural installations throughout the park that delight visitors, 除了令人惊叹的景色 金门大桥. 的 refurbished red brick military buildings at the Presidio are now 餐厅, 酒店, 和景点, 包括 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆 (蒙哥马利街104号). 的 普雷西迪奥游客中心 (林肯大道210号)是公园探险的起点, 凭借其引人入胜的展品和知识渊博的员工.

Discover the many different ways to explore one of San Francisco's largest, 大多数历史, 还有最迷人的受保护的绿地.
里士满区有一座大型艺术博物馆, 城市公园, stunning mosaic steps 和 San Francisco’s de facto second 唐人街 on Clement Street. 传奇 绿苹果图书 (克莱门特街506号)欢迎所有年龄的读者. 外里士满展示了 荣誉军团 博物馆(第34大道100号),另外还有 土地结束 和 林肯公园 远足,打高尔夫,欣赏美景.
这个地区有很多吃饭的地方. Presidio的特点 pressidio社交俱乐部 (鲁格街563号)及 会话 (莱特曼路1号). 里士满区, 搭配各种点心, 韩国和泰国餐厅, is also home to some of the city’s best places for wallet-friendly 和 delicious eats.

If there's one part of town that visitors — both first-timers 和 many-timers — equate with San Francisco, 这是渔人码头.

SoMa / Yerba Buena
20世纪70年代,工业搬走了,艺术家搬进来了. Now, SoMa has so much to experience, 包括 the country's most beautiful ballpark.

古老的意大利, 新政, memories of Kerouac 和 the Beats 和 echoes of the waterfront Bohemianism meet of-the-moment eateries in 北海滩.

Those little cable cars that climb halfway to the stars in Tony Bennett’s “I Left My Heart in San Francisco’’ are climbing 头山, 贝博体彩app历史悠久的标志性街区.

Embarcadero /金融区
从公海的船长到工业的船长, the Embarcadero has often been where people first began their San Francisco journey.

This central city district encompasses everything from stately concert halls 和 museums to animated 餐厅 和 wide-open public plazas just west of Downtown.

码头的精品店和餐馆吸引着时髦的人, 年轻人群, while the views 和 stately homes of Pacific Heights take your breath away.

宝塔式建筑, 华丽的灯柱, 异国情调的菜单和其他独特的元素, a stop here can feel more like a trip abroad than a neighborhood stroll.

的 Mission District is one of San Francisco’s most of-the-moment neighborhoods, 到处都是引领潮流的精品店, 餐厅, 和更多的.

不管你的性取向如何, no trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the world-famous Castro District, 全国最早的同性恋社区之一.

Start your Summer of Love experience on the corner of Haight 和 Ashbury streets, 20世纪60年代的花卉力量在哪里开花.

Within Golden Gate Park, you'll find lakes, gardens, museums, golf courses 和 a herd of bison. 的 Sunset offers a zoo, views of the Pacific Ocean 和 tasty eats.

金门大桥的南锚, 青翠的, 风景优美的要塞, 巧妙地回收了Crissy Field, 和 the Civil War-era Fort Point are just a few of the attractions in the northwest corner of town.

这个宝石般的岛屿提供了一个繁华的城市酿酒厂的场景, popular flea markets 和 photo ops of San Francisco's downtown skyline.